
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is Jallarah an Accredited Aged Care Facility and Government funded?

A. Yes. Jallarah Homes Inc is a fully accredited Commonwealth Government subsidized Residential Aged Care Facility


Q. What are my rights in Aged Care?

A. The Charter of Aged Care Rights (the Charter) sets out the rights of all people receiving Government-subsidised aged care services. The Charter applies regardless of the type of care or service.

The Charter makes it easy to understand what quality care looks like. It also gives clear expectations about the services supplied by aged care providers.  Click HERE to download the Charter of Aged Care Rights.


Q. How do I provide feedback, give a compliment or make a complaint?

A. At Jallarah Homes, we appreciate all the feedback that you have on our service. We use your feedback, the good, the bad and the ugly, to improve our service and to ensure the resident experience is the best that we can offer.

Click HERE to go to our online Feedback Form. Alternatively, there are QR Codes posted about the building, in our newsletter and hard copy feedback forms in the foyer.


Q. What do I require prior to entry into Jallarah Homes Inc as a permanent resident?

A. Before entering any aged care facility as a permanent resident you will require:

- An ACAT assessment

- An Assessment of Assets organised through Centrelink or DVA

Before we can assess you for permanent residency at Jallarah Homes we will require both of these documents.


Q. What is an ACAT Assessment and how do I obtain one? 

A.  An ACAT Assessment is an assessment required if you want to access aged care services through Jallarah Homes or any other government funded aged care program.

They can be organised through your:

Medical Practitioner; or

For more information on ACAT assessments call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit its website:


Q. How can I get an Assessment of Assets?

A. When you have your ACAT assessment, you will be given an Assets Assessment form to fill in. Once you've completed this form, you should return it to the Department of Human Services or the Department of Veterans' Affairs, as per the instructions on the form.


Q. Can I stay in Jallarah on Respite care?

A. Respite accommodation is available for short stays, depending on your needs and your ACAT approval. We prefer a minimum booking of 14 days up to the approved 63 days respite per financial year. Respite bookings, well in advance are essential.


Q. Can I view your facility?

A. Yes. Jallarah Homes would be happy to arrange a tour of the facility. Please contact the office during business hours to make an appointment.


Q. When can my family or friends visit me?

A.  We try to make Jallarah Homes as “homelike” as we can for the resident, however, like most things COVID has had an impact on how we receive visitors. Residents may feel free to come and go as they wish. Visitors need to arrive during office hours on weekdays and between 1 and 4pm on weekends and public holidays. This is to ensure that the proper process can be followed including Rapid Antigen Testing and Contact Information recording.


Q. What activities/entertainment do you offer?

A. We have a wide variety of events, activities and entertainment to meet most lifestyle requirements. Each resident is given a monthly calendar of events so they can decide whether they want to attend or not.


Q. Can I have a telephone in my Room?

A. All residents are welcome to have a phone installed in their room, at their own cost.


Q. Can I have my own doctor if I am a resident at Jallarah?

A. If you prefer to remain with your own Doctor it will be the responsibility of the Resident or family to arrange appointments and transportation to the appointments. A local Doctor visits Jallarah on a weekly basis and will add new residents to the list if residents wish.

Monthly Calendar

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